Call Hold Parameters

The call hold parameters are described in the table below.

Call Hold Parameters



'Enable Hold'

configure voip > gateway dtmf-supp-service supp-service-settings > hold


Global parameter that enables the following:

Interworking of the Hold/Retrieve supplementary service from ISDN to SIP.

You can also configure this feature per specific calls, using IP Profiles ('Hold'). For a detailed description of the parameter and for configuring this feature in the IP Profiles table, see Configuring IP Profiles.

Note: If you configure this feature for a specific IP Profile, the device ignores this global parameter for calls associated with the IP Profile.

'Hold Format'

configure voip > gateway dtmf-supp-service supp-service-settings > hold-format


Defines the format of the SDP in the sent re-INVITE hold request.

[0] = (Default) The SDP 'c=' field contains the IP address "" and the 'a=inactive' attribute.
[1] Send Only = The SDP 'c=' field contains the device's IP address and the 'a=sendonly' attribute.
[2] x.y.z.t = The SDP 'c=' field contains the device's IP address and the 'a=inactive' attribute.


The device doesn't send any RTP packets when it is in hold state.
The parameter is applicable only to QSIG and Euro ISDN protocols.

'Held Timeout'

configure voip > gateway dtmf-supp-service supp-service-settings > held-timeout


Defines the maximum duration (in seconds) that the device allows for a call to remain on hold. This parameter applies to Tel-to-IP calls, where the Tel side places the IP side on hold.

[-1] = (Default) The IP side remains on hold until the Tel side (which placed the call on hold) retrieves the call (SIP re-INVITE message).
[0 - 2400] = If the IP side is still on hold when this duration expires, the device disconnects the call (sends a SIP BYE message to the IP side). For example, if configured to 60 and the Tel side places the IP side (Alice) on hold and makes a new call to Bob, if the call with Bob gets to 61, the device disconnects the call with Alice.

Note: When the Tel side puts the call on hold (hookflash), the device plays a dial tone to the Tel side (dial tone timeout starts according to the 'Dial Tone Duration' parameter, which is 16 sec. by default), expecting the Tel side to do some action (e.g., make another call, conferencing, or call transfer). If the 'Dial Tone Duration' parameter expires as no DTMF digits were collected (i.e., Tel side did nothing), the device plays a congestion tone to the Tel side (and if the Tel side goes on-hook, the phone rings and if the Tel side then goes off-hook, the IP side is retrieved).

configure voip > gateway dtmf-supp-service supp-service-settings > dtmf-during-hold


Determines whether the device sends DTMF signals (or DTMF SIP INFO message) when a call is on hold.

[0] = (Default) Disable.
[1] = Enable - If the call is on hold, the device stops playing the Held tone (if it is played) and sends DTMF:
To Tel side: plays DTMF digits according to the received SIP INFO message(s). (The stopped held tone is not played again.)
To IP side: sends DTMF SIP INFO messages to an IP destination if it detects DTMF digits from the Tel side.